Semaj Pennix II
May 2024 Academic Outstanding Student

Semaj Pennix II is a first-year student at Virginia Tech majoring in mechanical engineering and minoring in Spanish. He finds a keen enjoyment for learning and works diligently in his studies. As a child, Semaj enjoyed making crafts and disassembling items, fueling his fascination for innovation and invention. To cultivate this passion, he continues to work on personal projects which further his learning. Most recently, he designed and manufactured new keys for a keyboard piano, offering the instrument a customized appearance. Semaj also finds great joy in conducting research. One of his current projects involves designing and manufacturing an electric skateboard and a custom battery pack. In pursuit of this, he has extensively researched battery cell properties and explored topics in electrical engineering.
Currently, Semaj works at Chipotle Mexican Grill as a Certified Trainer, where he trains and supports new employees with their daily tasks. Semaj will also be pursuing a cooperative education program (Co-op) with Altec industries during the Summer and Fall of 2024 as an applications engineer. This experience will help him enhance his engineering design skills and improve his ability to educate and guide his mentees. With this commitment to engineering excellence and community leadership, Semaj demonstrates a genuine passion for innovation and a dedication to lifelong learning.
In the future, Semaj hopes to contribute to the field of engineering with his innovation and creativity. He also aims to be a positive leader in his community, inspiring people to follow their passions. To support these goals, Semaj plans to serve as a peer mentor for the Center of Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED) during his second year at Virginia Tech, seizing opportunities to inspire others.