Christopher Johnson
March 2024 Academic Outstanding Student

Christopher Johnson is a freshman undergraduate pursuing a bachelor's degree in Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering. He has a GPA of 3.43 and is from Westport, CT. Apart from his academic pursuits, he is involved with various clubs on campus such as Alpine Ski and Snowboard, Caribso, Team Tennis, National Society of Black Engineers, and BOLT design team. Christopher says the best part about being a black male at VT is the incredible amount of support and opportunities students get. He strives to make an impact in the robotic world, using technology to help others lead easier lives. He also hopes to find a career that challenges him to push the boundaries of what is possible and one which allows him to live abroad.
Christopher’s says his mother plays an invaluable part in motivating him to succeed. Without her, he would not be where he is today. Christopher also thanks his father, who worked remarkably hard to get to where he is today. He taught Christopher to always move forward with confidence.