Johnathan Taylor
January 2024 Academic Outstanding Student

Johnathan Taylor is a Junior Majoring in Business Information Technology, with a concentration in Decisions Support Systems. He has a GPA of 3.40 and he is from Stafford, VA, and has 3 brothers, including a twin. Growing up, he enjoyed playing sports like baseball and indoor track. Johnathan says the best part about being a black male at Tech is the abundance of wonderful opportunities for success, as well as having a strong community here. Johnathan aspires to become a business leader for a large bank or firm, making decisions that leave an impact wherever he works. He was a Business Analyst Intern at Capital One last Summer and will be returning there this Summer. He ambitiously aspires to be financially free by the age of 45, after which he plans to become a philanthropist and mentor to those who follow him.
Johnathan likes to stay involved no matter where he is. Currently, he is the Director of Special Events for the Black Student Alliance, as well as the Corporate Sponsor Chair for Pamplin's Undergraduate Mentoring Program. He is also an active member of Chi Alpha, an on-campus Christian ministry at Tech. Johnathan always aims to positively impact those around him wherever he goes.