Model H. Washington
May 2023 Academic Outstanding Student

Model H. Washington is a freshman in the Department of computer science and majoring in engineering. He is from Fredericksburg, Virginia, and with a CGPA of 3.42. He says the best part about being an African American at Virginia Tech is the contribution to diversity and the opportunity for him to contribute by bringing people together through his common bond. Model’s post-Virginia tech aspiration is to become a coder for a company specializing in robotics. His personal and career dream is to become very successful. While his goals may change, his present goal is to become an independent business owner with ideas for urban planning/landscaping.
He is also affiliated with NSBE, Galipatia, and CEED. Model says he does not have a role model because growing up, he was constantly around family members and grew from stories and actions committed by them; hence his role model is life itself. During his free time, he typically hangs out with friends while working on his code for ENGE.