Matthew Woldemichael
January 2024 Academic Outstanding Student

Matthew Woldemichael is a freshman studying Industrial and Systems Engineering with a GPA of 3.52. He is from Woodbridge, Virginia. Matthew says the best thing about being a black male student at VT is the opportunity to meet and connect with a lot of amazing black individuals from different backgrounds and cultures. He has also been a part of an amazing black community at VT called Ujima LLC which has given him a community that pushes him to succeed in school. He mentioned that his post VT plan is to get a job within the industrial and system engineering field that he enjoys that brings the best out of him.
He is affiliated with the VT honors college and involved in the National Society of Black Engineers, African Student Association, Black Student Association, and Ethiopian-Eritrean Student Association.
Matthew says his role model is his mother. This is because she sacrificed so much for him and his older brother to succeed and motivates him every day to never give up and do his best in whatever he does.