Kingspride Hammond III
March 2023 Academic Outstanding Student

Kingspride Hammond III is from Reston, Virginia. He often goes by the name “King” or “Pride”. He is originally from Virginia, but the right side of his family is from Ghana. He is an engineering major with a GPA of 3.34. He loves to build all sorts of mechanical and electronic things. He also enjoys artistic opportunities wherever they can be found. He says the best thing about being a black male student at Virginia Tech is that there is a comradery of sorts between black students. He has both helped and been helped by other black men at Virginia Tech without knowing the person prior. His post-Virginia Tech aspiration is to invent and engineer new technologies in the robotics field. He would also like to travel a little more. His personal and career dream is to be a profound inventor who can easily come up with solutions to world problems using STEM.
Kingspride is a member of the Galileo LLC and he says his role model is his dad because he taught him how to be a man and what responsibilities come with that. He is beyond grateful that his dad took the time to guide him both directly and by being a living example. Asides from his dad, he always looked up to Malcolm X for his fiery and direct approach to getting what is wanted or more so deserved. During free time, Kingspride like to build things in the shop, listen to music, draw, box, and hang out with friends.