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Uplifting Black Men Conference

Uplifting Black Men Conference

Celebrating 10 years of Black male mentorship, personal development, and leadership at UBMC in February 2025

Join us in 2025!

Register now for the 10th Annual Uplifting Black Men Conference! Over 300 attendees joined us in 2024. This year's conference, a celebration of ten years of brotherhood, will offer even more ways to uplift the Black male community.

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Uplifting Black Men Conference Details

Who's invited: Black male university students and high school students, and community members who support them

When: Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Where: Goodwin Hall and Data & Decision Sciences Building, Virginia Tech

What's on the schedule: 

  • Interactive Workshops: Connect your educational experiences to personal and community development opportunities. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Meet other students and potential mentors who can support your success. 
  • Research Symposium: Watch your peers present their projects at a new pre-conference event, named for one of Virginia Tech’s great Black scholars, the Dr. Wayne Scales Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium and Award. 
  • Awards Ceremony: Honor Black brothers for their leadership and scholarly pursuits.  
  • Lunch and Snacks: Share a meal with someone who could benefit your future. 

Dr. Wayne Scales Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium and Award Details

When: Friday, February 21, 2025

Where: Location TBD

What's on the schedule: 

  • Research presentations by three Black male undergraduate Virginia Tech students who've spent several months in intensive preparation for this moment
  • Awards will be presented at the awards ceremony at the Uplifting Black Men Conference

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